Empower Your Farm with Smart Solar Solutions

As energy costs continue to rise and the price of renewable technology drops, generating your own energy has never been more appealing for farmers. However, navigating the complexities of choosing the right technology, finding trustworthy installers, and securing finance can be overwhelming. That’s where Smart Solar Solution comes in – your local partner for hassle-free, high-quality renewable energy installation tailored specifically for the agricultural sector.

Agricultural Renewable Energy Systems

Farming is an energy-intensive industry, and managing energy costs is crucial for maintaining profitability. Renewable energy systems offer a sustainable and cost-effective solution to this challenge. By harnessing solar power, farmers can significantly reduce their energy bills, achieve energy independence, and contribute to environmental sustainability.

How Can We Help?

At Smart Solar Solution, we understand the unique energy needs of agricultural businesses. Our comprehensive renewable energy services are designed to make the transition to solar power as smooth and beneficial as possible. Here’s how we can help:

  1. Free On-Site Survey and Customised Solutions
  • We start with a free on-site survey to understand your specific energy needs and farm layout.
  • Based on this survey, we customise the best renewable energy solution for you, ensuring it meets your operational requirements and budget.
  1. Full Design and Assistance with NFU Information
  • We provide a full design of your solar energy system, tailored to maximise efficiency and savings.
  • We assist with National Farmers’ Union (NFU) information and help you navigate the “Round 2 Productivity Fund,” ensuring you take full advantage of available grants.
  1. Accredited Installers and Detailed Proposals
  • We only use our own accredited installers who adhere to industry-leading standards.
  • Our team will provide a detailed assessment and proposal at no cost, ensuring transparency and trust.
  1. Comprehensive Support with Planning, Installation, and Finance
  • From planning and installation to securing finance, we offer easy access to our expert consultants.
  • We guide you through every step of the process, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish.
  1. Ongoing End-to-End Support
  • Our support doesn’t end with installation. We provide ongoing assistance, answering any questions and ensuring your solar energy system operates efficiently for years to come.

Why Choose Smart Solar Solution?


  • Our service combines deep agricultural knowledge with top financial and solar installation expertise, ensuring the best outcomes for your farm.


  • We provide tailored technical advice and operate to industry-leading standards, building long-term relationships based on trust and reliability.


  • Offering a complete end-to-end solution tailored to your needs means you only need to deal with us, saving you time and hassle.


  • Our prices are competitively benchmarked, and we review every proposal to ensure you get exactly what you need at the best possible price.

Benefits at a Glance

  • Hassle-Free Install: Our professional team handles everything from start to finish.
  • Competitive Finance Packages: We offer flexible and affordable financing options.
  • Trusted Partner: We are committed to being a reliable partner for your renewable energy needs.
  • Premium Technology: We use only the latest and most efficient solar technology.
  • Competitive Price: Our solutions are cost-effective and provide excellent value for money.
  • Expert Advice: Our team offers in-depth knowledge and guidance throughout the process.
  • End-to-End Support: We provide continuous support, ensuring your system performs optimally.

Choosing Smart Solar Solution means investing in a future where your farm can flourish with sustainable energy, reduced costs, and minimal environmental impact. Let us help you harness the power of the sun to power your farm’s future. Contact us today for a free on-site survey and start your journey towards energy independence.

Smart Solar Solution – Empowering Agriculture with Smart Solar Technology